Find out more about the USA Football Enrollment
The information on this page may be outdated because the organization has not enrolled in a year.
The Haines City Rattlers has been in exsistance over 30 years. Our intent is to be more than a football cheer organization. We intend to teach them good sportsmanship ,leadership, team work and self discipline and the importance of education while participating in our program. Most of our youth are raised in single parent homes ore in most cases ,being being raised by their grand parents. Because of leadership and mentoring of our coaches, our youths have a better chance of becoming productive
Learn how the game is advancing with the
Football Development Model
Torquem detraxit hosti et quidem faciunt, ut dolore magnam aliquam causam non existimant. Quae fuerit causa, mox videro; interea hoc tenebo, si ob rem voluptas expetenda.