Find out more about the USA Football Enrollment
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The Bulldogs serve the far southeast side of the Chicago and a it's surrounding suburbs. Thousands of boys and girls have come through since it was founded over 50 years ago. Our volunteer coaches strive to teach our kids about sportsmanship, dedication, respect, and teamwork. Our kids come from very diverse backgrounds ethnically and financially. It truly makes our organization unique and reflective of today's society. We strive to keep our registration costs as low as possible to ensure we don't turn any families or kids away. The smiles, laughter, and bonds far outweigh the results on the scoreboard or cheer competitions. Football and Cheer are very competitive sports and experience injuries from time to time. Their safety is our number priority. Each coach is certified in CPR and in the usage of our AED device. In addition, we have an emergency action plan for our practices and game days. With safety constantly stressed regarding our sports, we are constantly upgrading our equipment based on rules and regulations governed by USA Football.
Learn how the game is advancing with the
Football Development Model
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