Find out more about the USA Football Enrollment
The information on this page may be outdated because the organization has not enrolled in a year.
NYFL MISSION STATEMENT To inspire youth to participate in Football & Cheerleading, and to practice the ideals of sportsmanship regardless of race, color, sex, creed or national origin, and to bring youth together through the means of a common physical fitness and athletic competition. That each member organization shall provide a program wherein youth shall receive instruction in the fundamental skills of tackle football, and that each member organization shall provide a program wherein youth shall receive instruction in the fundamental skills of cheerleading. To promote safe play by requiring member organizations to maintain strict compliance with the bylaws, rules and regulations of the league. To encourage adults to behave in a civil and proper, sportsmanlike manner, and to keep the welfare of each child foremost and free from adult compulsion for power and glory. Thank You: NYFL ORG.
Learn how the game is advancing with the
Football Development Model
Torquem detraxit hosti et quidem faciunt, ut dolore magnam aliquam causam non existimant. Quae fuerit causa, mox videro; interea hoc tenebo, si ob rem voluptas expetenda.